French Voters Remain Split Ahead of Presidential Race Stratfor - idaho fish and game

Chủ Nhật, 17 tháng 2, 2019

French Voters Remain Split Ahead of Presidential Race Stratfor

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  1. mediiskit: Of course Turkey was the most secularist muslim nation but in realty Turkey never be a real secular state. Since the beginning of this republic there is huge discrimination against Armenian and Greek christians which this came from early 19th century. But the biggest discrimination against Alewide muslims - they do not go to mosques - since 16th century before Turkey existed . Of course this is similar French or American secularism. As we know despite these countries called themselves secular, catholic Church and Babel still important - at least for USA- But In Turkey with 1982 constitution they also put religion lessons into the primary schools - which was not religion it was all about sunni islam- So what kind a secular state we are talking about. When the Kurdish PKK revolt mid. 80's the army used political islam against leftists and Kurds in eastern Turkey. They call these people are not even muslims they are "gavur- non muslim- so if you kill them this is not a sin. So turkish secularism already fucked up long time ego.
  2. Young H. D. PARKIM: Une chose est claire: si Le Pen gagne, ce sera la fin de l'Union européenne. Et après la Russie supernationaliste sous Putin, la Chine a suivi Brexit et Donarld Trump, maintenant la France sous la nationaliste aveugle de Le Pen? Cela signifie aussi également que le UNSC est condamné. Malgré la récente inquiétude concernant les quelques pour cent des bâtards extrémistes, il y a beaucoup de bons musulmans qui servent dans l'armée française comme les légionnaires et la plupart d'entre eux ont un patriotisme presque aveugle envers la République française. Les gens ont tendance à oublier que les superpuissances comme les États-Unis ont prospéré grâce à leur ouverture d'esprit qui a donné aux gens talentueux la possibilité d'exercer leurs capacités pour la société. Il ne s'agit pas d'où vous êtes né, mais plutôt de la difficulté que vous essayez et de votre capacité. Si elle revient sous le populisme, les personnes capables quittent le pays et ce pays est condamné à décliner parce que la politique devra écouter les gens paresseux qui ont seulement le droit de vote. J'espère que les Français font un choix judicieux et deviennent le dernier espoir de notre Humanité raisonnable.
  3. «JustEnder»: I wish there were more Turkish atheist
  4. that_pac12: Ahmed Shah Masud hahaha no.
  5. Eryk Pyc: JustEnder; I wish the whole world gave up on cults (Judeo-Christianity, Islam & all the others) and moved on; in the age of internet (relatively easy research) - that is finally possible
  6. morthim: spain. plosives everywhere
  7. Mesh Frequency: France's future is in JOPARDY!!! :P
  8. Ganaria Gente: seriously, where is his accent from??
  9. AbdulKerim: Monarchy is the only way to go, Democracy has utterly failed
  10. mediiskit: As a turkish atheist viva LE Pen
  11. Ganaria Gente: with the recent referendum, im afraid turkey secularism is fucked.
  12. ants kilu: macraon had 10 grand kids from marriage with 20 y older woman, pretty perv he must secure their future..
  13. mediiskit: Yes secularist CHP and Kurdish left wing party have some atheist politicians .

French Voters Remain Split Ahead of Presidential Race

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